"Biking for The Fun of It"

The Watauga Leisure Biking Club is an informal club consisting of cyclists of varying ages and abilities who enjoy biking and sightseeing. Typically, we schedule 2-3 bike rides per week in moderate weather. Please refer to the calendar link for the ride schedule. Most of our group rides can be completed in 2 hours or less and range from very flat to quite hilly.
All riders are responsible for their own equipment, transport and safety. Bicycle helmets are required and identification is recommended. (See Road ID on Links page). We encourage carpooling as often as possible, not only to conserve gasoline but to limit the number of cars using space in the parking areas. Some of the parking areas are privately owned and should be used minimally and respectfully.
There will be no formal email cancellation of rides due to weather. Individuals will need to check their own weather sites to determine if they are comfortable with the predicted weather conditions.
Cyclists of all skill levels are invited to join. You do not need to reserve a spot, just show up at the designated meeting spot at the appointed time.
Our mission is to provide group rides for the casual bike rider. The Watauga Leisure Biking club has no fees or dues. However, we encourage anyone who loves biking or loves a bike rider to join the non-profit Boone Area Cyclists Club. The BAC's mission is to develop and promote safe and accessible bicycling opportunities and infrastructure in the Boone area. More info about the BAC can be found at
Now let's get out there and go "Biking For The Fun Of It"!